Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September 26

Happy Birthday RIP Francois "Jack" LaLanne(1914–2011) Patrick O'Neal(1927–1994) Joyce Jameson(1932–1987) "Donna Douglas"(Dorothy Smith 1932–2015) ; Anne Robinson–73 Olivia Newton-John–69 Linda Hamilton–61 Melissa Sue Anderson–55 James Caviezel–49 Mark Famiglietti–38 Jessie Pavelka–35 ; 1789 – Thomas Jefferson is appointed the first United States Secretary of State, John Jay is appointed the first Chief Justice of the United States, Samuel Osgood is appointed the first United States Postmaster General, and Edmund Randolph is appointed the first United States Attorney General. ‪#‎YouAreTheWeakestLink‬

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